Many SunBird Bandits gathered at Francisco Grande, Casa Grande, on April 4 for some golfing competition and lunch. Fun was had by all!
Marilyn Hespel On March 16, there were 99 attendees. The jackpot winner was Barb Thalman who went home $170 richer. On April 6, the attendance was greater, with 112 players. This night, the jackpot winner was Ness Schumacker winning $187. The season for Bingo is winding down. The last day to play Bingo with…
Pat Kovarik The Sew-N-Sews’ last meeting for this season will be May 9. We take the summers off (June, July and August) and start up again in September. We’ll have a whole new lineup of presentations which will be interesting, informative and fun. But I’m getting ahead of myself. You are invited to our May…
Dolly Loftin The May meeting of the Sun Lakes Democratic Club will be held on Monday, May 14, 2018, at the Sun Lakes Country Club, Navajo Room, 25601 E. Sun Lakes Blvd. N., at 7:00 p.m. Our May meeting will provide an opportunity to meet three candidates running for the Democratic nomination of their office…
John Dolezal, President of the Irish Club, presents a check for $1,000 to Gary Whistler, President of the SunBird Golf Club, for two irrigation heads for the golf course.
Duplicate Bridge Lois Schmidt 3/01. 1st Ron Mitchell and Michael Donough, 2nd Judy O’Neil and Rachel Anderson, 3rd Jeanne Lewis and Dolores Kline 3/08. 1st Jackie Huyghebaert and Lil MacPherson, 2nd Dorothy Sykes and Rose Brown, 3rd Barb Ott and Mary Jo Howe 3/15 1st Judy O’Neil and Shirley Jackson, 2nd Michael Donough and Ron…
Frank Nechvatal Our German Club closed the season with Patio Potluck on April 24. Members brought various vegetable dishes, salads and desserts to share. The club provided utensils, dishes and napkins. The main dish of chicken was brought by the club. The new officers for the club were presented: Frank Nechvatal, President; Treva Christenson, Vice…
Rosie Vanderveen Kare Bears gathered in March for our final meeting of the season. The new 2018/19 Board members are Juanita Harbut, president; Julia Roberts, vice president; Barb Dunbar, secretary; Emily Hughes, also serving as treasurer, and Lynn McHale. Kare Bear member Gloria Kishen is involved with the St. Peter’s Indian Mission School. Currently, they…
Mary Vitolo At St. Steven’s Ladies’ Guild’s annual Luncheon/Fashion Charity Fundraiser event, Beautiful Things Happened at the Oakwood Country Club on March 14, 2018! St. Steven’s Ladies’ Guild would like to express gratitude for the many people who helped make our show a success in making Beautiful Things Happen for our charities: Nativity set…
John Yu Well… another season has gone by, and time went by a little faster. Not much we can do to slow it down, but we definitely made eight Sunday evenings more enjoyable. We look forward to seeing all the members returning for next season as well as the many new members who will be…