Category: April 2019

Line dancing with Judee

The dancers in the picture did a great job line dancing in the SunBird Ballroom at their annual March dance. Many of the class members had company, were out of town or sick and couldn’t join us, and we missed them.

At the break when the dancers vie for prizes, we take the group picture. I was surprised by receiving a banner with a beautiful message: “Thank you for the music! We love you, Judee!!” They were surprised when I was speechless! They all thought it was a miracle. But I recovered! Just before the break,…

Pickleball Club continues to give

One of the most devastating diseases that impacts us as we age is Alzheimer’s. An estimated 5.7 million Americans have some form of the disease, and most of us have a friend or relative who is suffering with this cruel illness. The Alzheimer’s Association is the leading voluntary health organization supporting research and care associated…

Thank you, Friends

Jim Bickett I would like to thank everyone at SunBird for all the cards, visits, balloons, flowers, food, gift cards, prayers and phone calls during my lengthy hospital stay. A special thanks to Jim and Joan Seaman, Russ and Jeannie Bower and John and Barb Valentine for taking care of Kitty, rides, lunch dates and…

State Parties

Iowa State party recap Over 60 Iowans, and a few wishing they were, gathered on the SunBird Patio for the 16th annual “Iowa State Fair” Party on Tuesday, March 5. Iowa is known for its great cooks, and this year brought out the Heartland’s best recipes to compliment a fried chicken entree. There were renewed…

Al-Anon meeting notice

The new 12-step Al-Anon Group meets Monday evenings at 5:00 p.m. in the Lakeview Room (located on the main level by the Pro Shop) of the SunBird clubhouse. If you are concerned about the drinking problems of someone you care about, come and join in on our discussions and receive some help for your peace…

Sun Lakes Democratic Club April meeting

The next meeting of the Sun Lakes Democratic Club is Monday, April 8, 2019, at 7:00 p.m. in the Navajo Room of Sun Lakes Country Club, 25601 E. Sun Lakes Blvd. N. Our speakers for the April meeting will address legislative actions going on at the Capital which affect every voter. Anne Schneider, PhD, is…

Donate to Chandler food bank

My name is Julie, I am a SunBird resident and I volunteer at a Chandler food bank. If you have extra food (unopened, please) that you can’t use, I would be glad to take it to the food bank. The food bank also accepts toiletries, cleaning products, paper products and other miscellaneous items. You can…

Canadian farewell

March saw the SunBird Canadians tee it up for their final social event of the 2018/2019 season. Over 100 northerners enjoyed an 18-hole scramble on March 17. Golf was followed by a hot and delicious pizza dinner from Barro’s Pizza in our ballroom. Thank you to our local realtors: Ruth Ann Hobbs, Theda Portanova, Dana…