Category: Religion

Community Church of SunBird Spring Activities

Jamie Morgan Spring bustles with activity at Community Church of SunBird (CCSB), and we would like you to join us. On Sunday, March 23, we invite the SunBird community to join us for a Root Beer Float Social on the patio from 1 to 3 p.m. Enjoy an old-fashioned root beer float and meet new…

The Blessing of Grace

Mark Wenz The concept of grace has roots in ancient religions in which the Goddess was revered, as well as in Greek and Roman mythology. The word “grace” has its origins in the Old French word gracier, meaning “to thank,” and in the Latin word gratia, which means “kindness, favor, esteem.” The adjective form of…

The Ripple Effect of Kindness

Rev. Dr. Derrick Elliott, Pastor, Sun Lakes United Church of Christ I want you to imagine a world where kindness is not just an occasional act but a committed way of life that transforms communities. The 2000 film Pay It Forward presents this idea through a young boy’s simple yet powerful plan: If each person…