The new 12-step Al-Anon group meets Monday evenings at 5:30 p.m. in the Ceramics Room of the SunBird clubhouse. If you are concerned about the drinking problems of someone you care about, come and join in on our discussions and receive some help for your peace of mind.
Category: February 2015
Clubs & Classes, February 2015
Prepare to laugh and be amazed!
Mark your calendar for Saturday, March 14. The SunBird Lions will present the unique must see Brad Zinn’s Comedy Magic Show. You may have seen Brad Zinn before, but never like this. Brad Zinn is one of the most sought after comedy magic entertainers in his field. His background in acting, magic and comedy make…
Clubs & Classes, February 2015
Requested Line Dance workshop: Elvira, Electric Slide and Cupid Shuffle
This workshop will answer the requests for learning and doing “the dances I see them doing at the dances.” This will be the third or fourth year, two or three times each year, that I have held this workshop for people to learn Elvira, Electric Slide and Cupid Shuffle line dances. Each time there have been a…
Clubs & Classes, February 2015
January SunBird Garden Club meeting

Donna Bergmann did a delightful and informative presentation on Whimsy in the Garden. It included a wonderful planting of sedum and other plants using a birdcage. There was also a segment on how to plant a vertical plastic bloom bag that you can hang on walls and fences. They have been all the rage the…
Clubs & Classes, February 2015
Pathways to Peace
Clubs & Classes, February 2015
Marine Corps League donates time and gifts to children

Denise Lott The Marine Corps League, Detachment 1296, wanted to be sure that children in the area had a happy holiday memory. On December 24, the pickup trucks of several unit members were loaded with some of the remaining Toys for Tots gifts. Going into three Chandler low-income housing areas, tarps were spread out on…
Clubs & Classes, February 2015
Computer Booters main meeting 1st Tuesday of the month
Sue Klein, Publicity Coordinator Computer Booters from Sun Lakes and other neighborhoods holds its main meeting on the first Tuesday of the month in the Navajo Room at Sun Lakes Country Club at 7:00 p.m. For Your Information: Internet Security A firewall denies access to your computer from outside, uninvited quests Anti-virus protection software is…
Clubs & Classes, February 2015
February Art Club news
Sharon Eade February brings about the thoughts of love. As members of the Art Club, we share such a wonderful love of art as appreciation of the masters and artists around the world; the love of creating art for ourselves, our families and friends; and potentially a chance to share that love with others. The…
Clubs & Classes, February 2015
Apple Users Group to learn about 3D printing
The Apple Users Group of Sun Lakes will meet on Monday, February 10 in the Bradford Room of Oakwood Country Club at 6:30 p.m. If you have a Mac, iPod, iPad, iPhone or Apple TV, are new to Apple products or a seasoned Mac user, this is the club for you. Check out our new…
Clubs & Classes, February 2015
The Kramers perform for Women’s Connection Guest Month

Susan Reynhout It’s guest month at Women’s Connection! Don’t miss this very special event. Bring that important person (man or woman) to brunch on Thursday, February 12 at 9:00 a.m. in the Kingston Ballroom of the Oakwood Country Club in Sun Lakes. It will be a morning filled with fabulous music by professional entertainers, good…