We meet in the Apache Room, which is located on the top floor of the clubhouse, on Thursday afternoon at 3 p.m. Buy-in is 50 cents. If you have any questions, please call Darlene Thompson at 602-460-1501 and leave a message and she will get back to you.
January winners:
1/09. 1st Ed Hennek 1540, 2nd Ken Reidenbach 1530, 3rd Bernie Hennek 1410
1/16. 1st Ed Hennek 1790, 2nd Pat Hulbert 1490, 3rd Yvonne Petersen 1390
1/23. 1st Pat Kelly 2950, 2nd Ray Cummings 2660, 3rd Ken Reidenbach 2490
1/30. 1st Myra Haber 3120, 2nd Pat Kelly 3030, 3rd Jeannie Bertie 2700
John Valentine
We meet on Monday and Wednesday evenings in the Apache Room, which is located on the third floor. Buy-in is $1, and we start playing at 6:30 p.m. Please come early.
January scores:
1/01. 1st Gary Sheppard 714, 2nd Dennis Rittenback 703, 3rd Vic Kinser 697
1/06. 1st Derald Feltmann 724, 2nd Cindy Schwarzkopf 717, 3rd Ken Reidenbach 708
1/08. 1st Wayne Blosh 711, 2nd Tonja Kinser 707, 3rd Joan Boyle 706
1/13. 1st Dan Adams 726, 2nd Linda Hearn 723, 3rd June Preder 700
1/15. 1st Linda Hearn 696, 2nd Betty Flatt 692, 3rd John Valentine 691
1/20. 1st Gary Sheppard 709, 2nd Dave Schandle 696, 3rd Lucy Tanner 690
1/22. 1st Lucy Tanner 714, 2nd Tonja Kinser 712, 3rd June Preder 708
1/27. 1st Gordon Olson 722, 2nd Jeanne Berte 719, 3rd Dennis Rittenback 714
1/29. 1st Pauline Cantera 716, 2nd Betty Flatt 715, 3rd June Preder 701
We play Euchre in the Lakeview Room on Sunday afternoon at 3 p.m. Please come early. Buy-in is 50 cents. Everyone is welcome. Games are hosted by Tonja Kinser. If you have any questions, call or text 765-621-9251.
January winners:
1/05. 1st Leo Froelich 49, 2nd June Preder 48, 3rd Vic Kinser 46
1/12. 1st Jo Frasure 49, 2nd Darlene Thompson 46, 3rd Leo Froelich 41
1/19. 1st Darlene Thompson 47, 2nd Tom Gillis 39, 3rd Pat Kelly 36
1/26. 1st Jo Frasure 52, 2nd Tonja Kinser 49, 3rd Darlene Thompson 47
Hand and Foot
Darlene Thompson
We meet on Tuesdays in the Apache Room, which is located on the third floor of the clubhouse, and we start playing at noon. Please arrive by 11:45 a.m. so you can either pick a table or draw cards for partners. Buy-in is 50 cents.
If you have any questions, please contact either Yvonne Beloney at 480-895-6035 or Shirley Goodman at 480-208-3065. If there is no answer, please leave a message and they will get back to you.
Darlene Thompson
We meet in the Pima Room, which is located on the top floor of the clubhouse, on Tuesdays at 3 p.m. Buy-in is 50 cents. If you have any questions, please call Jackie Baker at 480-206-9078 or Sharon Zubchevich 480-239-2932 and leave a message and they will get back to you.
January winners:
1/07. 1st Renee Overton 841, 2nd Tom Gillis 824, 3rd Ken Reidenbach 812
1/14. 1st Darlene Thompson 582, 2nd Tom Gillis 574, 3rd Sharon Zubchevich 557
1/21. 1st Pat Kelly 851, 2nd Ken Reidenbach 792, 3rd Sharon Zubchevich 735
1/28. 1st Maurice Stein 952, 2nd Sharon Zubchevich 813, 3rd Don Siegel 756
Darlene Thompson
We meet in the Apache Room, which is on the third floor of the clubhouse. There is no fee. Playing is free. We start playing at 12:30 p.m. every Saturday.
Ponytail is a form of Hand and Foot, only a little more detailed. Come and join us, and please arrive earlier than 12:30 p.m. so we have an idea of how many tables to set up.
If you have any questions, you may contact either Patsy Covington at 404-697-3391 or Yvonne Beloney at 480-895-6035. If there is no answer, please leave a message and we will get back to you.
Tuesday and Friday Texas Hold ’em
We start promptly at 6 p.m. every Tuesday and Friday in the Navajo Room. Please arrive early. We play a tournament-style Texas Hold ’em Poker game. Buy-in is $10. Approximate payout for 1st 60%, 2nd 30%, 3rd 10%, plus a separate pot for high hand of the night. We welcome all players (men, women, shy, and inexperienced). Tutoring and coaching will be provided to those who need it. Come join us for a friendly poker game, hosted by Vic Kinser. If you have any questions, call or text 765-621-9252.
1/03. 1st Jon Lane, 2nd David Burher, 3rd Mark Reiniger; high hand pot Mark Reiniger
1/07. 1st Loren Wallace, 2nd Walt Patthoff, 3rd Jeff Yerian; high hand pot Vic Kinser
1/10. 1st Dickie Weinstein, 2nd Mike Earl, 3rd Mark Geurkink; high hand pot Vic Kinser
1/14. 1st Rich Weinstein, 2nd Bob Lama, 3rd Stacy Strate; high hand pot Derald Feltman
1/17. 1st Herb Schrauben, 2nd Vic Kinser, 3rd Rich Weinstein; high hand pot Jim Maurina
1/21. 1st Jerry Gilliland, 2nd Mark Geurkink, 3rd Derald Feltman; high hand pot Mark Geurkink
1/24. 1st Brian Axten, 2nd Rich Weinstein, 3rd Jon Lane; high hand pot Sue Lane
1/28. 1st Jim Maurina, 2nd Vic Kinser, 3rd Stacy Strate; high hand pot Rich Weinstein
1/31. 1st Mike Earl, 2nd Cody Larin, 3rd John Clune; high hand pot Cody Larin