Board of director notes

Layne Varney

Board of director meetings were held in October, and the following are notes from the business meeting:

The business meeting of the board was held Oct. 28, at 10 a.m. in the ballroom. Directors Nancy Eckstein, Tammy Bachofner, Shirley Clark, Dan Buescher, and Gordon Lee were present. Linda DiPalma was excused. The meeting was called to order at 10 a.m.

The minutes from the previous meeting were reviewed and approved as presented.

The treasurer’s report was made by Tammy Bachofner.

The manager’s report was made by Layne Varney.

The committee liaison reports were presented.

The marketing committee is planning a welcome meeting for renters Wednesday, Dec. 4, at 10 a.m. in the Apache Room. The committee recommended a new member for approval by the Board. The Board was presented the name of Carol Hassett that was approved 5 to 0.

The welcoming committee hosted a new-owner orientation meeting and breakfast with 40 new homeowners in attendance. This was an informative meeting for new owners to become familiar with SunBird history, governance, and operations.

Election committee report by Barb Ott. The committee met and is recommending the following names of five homeowners in good standing who have expressed interest in becoming candidates for the board election: Jeanne Johnston, Bill Ley, Frank Nechvatal, Lisa Onyx, and Steven Seel. Three positions will be open on the board at the end of this year. The two candidates receiving the most number of votes will be elected to serve three-year terms each, and the candidate receiving the third number of votes will be elected to a one-year term. The Board approved the names as candidates for the election.

The Project Review and Long-Range Planning Committee presented and requested approval for upgrading 13 southwest windows in the Horizon Room to dual paned. The cost for this project is $14,920. After review and discussion, the Board voted 5 to 0 to approve this project to be funded from the Capital Improvement Fund.

The Rules Compliance Committee reported the review and study of the current swimming pool and Jacuzzi rules. The final draft of the proposed revisions will be submitted to the Board at the meeting in November.

Discussion was held regarding the Arizona State Rangers law enforcement organization that would work with SunBird Patrol as a visual deterrent to crime and with rule compliance. After discussion, the board voted 5 to 0 to allow the Arizona Rangers to help and work with the SunBird Patrol as discussed.

The finance committee had a regular meeting and discussed the 2020 budget, delinquencies, and the new point-of-service system and reviewed the current month financial reports.

The 2020 third draft budgets were presented to the board for final review and discussion. Due to mandated minimum wage increase and for 2020 equates to nearly $40 per home annual increase. This would change the annual dues from $1,000 per year to $1,040 per year. The auditor last year recommended that SunBird build a two- to three-month cash operating reserve. The Board discussed raising the new-owner Contribution to Capital Improvement Fee (CCIF) $500; from $2,000 per home sale to $2,500. The Board voted 5-0 to approve the budget as discussed to $1,040 per year and increase the (CCIF) to $2,500 per home sale.

Comment sheets were read to the membership.

Homeowner and Directors Comments were made.

With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:45 a.m.

The next Agenda Planning meeting is combined with the Business meeting, both scheduled for Monday, Dec. 9, at 10 a.m. in the ballroom. This is the last scheduled Board of Director meeting for the year. All are welcome to attend!