Board meeting notes


The Board of Directors had a Business meeting February 26. These are the notes from this meeting.

Members Present: Gordon Lee, Dee Brown-Knoeppel, Don Calvert, Nancy Eckstein, Shirley Clark, Linda DiPalma, Bob Moren and Layne Varney

President Gordon Lee called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.

Minutes reviewed from previous meetings and which were approved. Treasurer’s Report was given by Nancy Eckstein. Manager’s Report was given by Layne Varney.

Committee Liaison reports by Board of Directors:

Going Green Committee – Layne Varney reported paper shredding will be on March 16 from 9:00-11:00 a.m.; last year, 8,000 pounds shredded.

Rules Committee – Don Calvert reported discussion on guest passes and overnight parking passes, Rules Committee charter, recreational vehicle parking in SunBird and possible elimination of guest recreational vehicles parking on SunBird property, Finance Committee signs, barking dog issue with fine being imposed.

Projects Review Committee – Delores Brown-Knoeppel reported on Tennis Club presentation, memorial wall, Cooper-Riggs signs, maintenance area cover, bocce ball side rails, Waterview stairs and handrail, restroom remodel, second floor room addition, suggestions to consider badminton and increase size of dance area in the Horizon Room.

ACC Committee – Linda DiPalma reported on number of permits processed, reminder regarding outside work done on properties, weed season pre-emergence, new ACC guidelines on weeds.

Marketing Committee – Bob Moren reported that the Committee is working on ideas to implement with this new committee.

Welcoming Committee – Shirley Clark reported that the first meeting will be on Friday, March 2, 2018; Committee open for ideas.

Finance Committee – Nancy Eckstein reported that the delinquencies continue to be low, Horizon room financials, preliminary audit report, committee charter review.

HOA/Golf Club Committee – Don Calvert reported on the Lake water cleanup, dogs on golf course, #12 safety line for duck control, fountain with bubbler at cost of $13,000, hole #17 water pumped from Roosevelt Dam with well water pumped to other holes which contain salt, fundraiser being considered.

Annual Committee Membership Appointments:

Architectural Control: Linda DiPalma, Jim Dolwick, Jim Casby, Dirk Close, Don Habermehl, Robyn Maynard, Bob Namon, Hal Reimer, George Richardson and Chris Zalanka

Finance: Walt Mills, Jim Anderson, Tammy Bachofner, Ken Haslow, Royal Henry, Gil Knudtson, Joan Lemmons, Jim McCutcheon and Frank Nechvatal

Going Green: Treva Christenson, Juanita Harbut, Scott Smith and Mary West

Marketing: Jackie Cox, Ralph Goheen, Bob Neuman, Margaret O’Brien and Jean Pritchard

Welcoming: John Brockish, Janelle Cernich, Gary Metzger, Steve Cockrell, Julie Anderson and Peggy Solene

Project Review and Long-Range Planning: Bill Hook, Jack Loy, Margaret McCathern, Dave Meyers, Dianne Reed, Jerry Seiler, Lee “Bing” Solomon and Rich VanderVeen

Rules Compliance: Chris Nechvatal, Marsha Brockish, Phyllis Brown, Barb Davis, Katherine Gibbs, Toni Greisiger and Marlene Scartozzi

Unanimous consent to approve all Committee Membership appointments.

Committee Charters Revisions for dividing the Welcoming/Marketing Committee. Nancy Eckstein made a motion to approve the Marketing Committee and Welcoming Committee charters as submitted. Motion carried unanimously.

Discussion of the 2018 Board of Director Goals continued with refining the goals to the following with specific goals assigned to persons: 1. Develop and Implement a Vacation Rental Policy – Gordon Lee + remaining Directors; 2. Update clubhouse reserves for equipment and utilities – Layne Varney + Nancy Eckstein + Finance Committee; 3. Conduct a “Brainstorming Meeting” with homeowners for ideas to improve SunBird (conduct joint campaign with SunBird Golf Club for raising funds, consider an interior designer for clubhouse, Research development of an exclusive SunBird internet service) – Nancy Eckstein; 4. Develop long-range Planning Committee ideas (e.g., study replacing clubhouse doors), develop ideas for parking and facility expansion (e.g., acquire more property) – Dee Brown-Knoeppel; 5. Review and update all Committee charters – Shirley Clark + Liaisons + Committees; 6. Develop a list of potentially interested candidates to serve as future Committee members or HOA Board of Directors – Robert Moren; 7. Develop comprehensive policy for non-residents utilizing outdoor and indoor amenity activities – Don Calvert; 8. Generate funding through donations and other ideas for improvement projects and/or repairs – Linda DiPalma

Shirley Clark made a motion to approve the 2018 BOD Goals as discussed. Motion carried unanimously.

Annual Meeting Agenda was presented to the Board for review and discussion. Linda DiPalma made a motion to approve the Annual Meeting agenda. Motion carried unanimously.

Comment Sheets – Layne Varney, Homeowner/Board of Director Comments. With no further business, President Gordon Lee adjourned the meeting at 11:35 a.m.

Next Board Meetings: Agenda Planning Meeting, Monday, April 9, at 10:00 a.m.; Business Meeting, Monday, April 23, at 10:00 a.m. All are welcome to attend!