Mary Lou Kaye
Basic Social Dance is so much different than ballroom dancing. It’s “lead and follow.” You, your partner and the music are the top priorities. Let the music tell you what to do.
Social dance floors usually offer limited space, and the wide range of music provided at social events requires more than memorizing a series of patterns in a specific dance.
Don’t want to look like Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers? Just don’t want to look like Abbott and Costello? Try Basic Social Dance and be the Life of the Party!
Our fearless leaders will lead, our lovely ladies will follow and, as a team, they will be dancing to any song of any genre of music in just a few hours. Walk In ~ Dance Out! No Kidding!
Learning to dance will allow you to take advantage of all the great dancing opportunities provided at the SunBird Golf Resort.
Mary Lou Kaye, your trained and certified master instructor, invites you to Amaze Yourself!
Want more details? Call 480-939-1869 or visit