Sue Prudencio
The American Irish Club has many upcoming events. We will be hosting a Wild Wild West Casino Night on Jan. 18 in the ballroom. All are welcome! We will have a western theme. Dress in your western or saloon girl attire. The price will be $25 per person. Ticket sales will be held in the lobby of the clubhouse. Dates and times will be posted soon. Further information will be posted in the lobby.
We are planning a Spring Training Game outing on March 11 at Sloan Park for the Chicago Cubs vs. Milwaukee Brewers game. It will be held on the patio deck. All-you-can-eat food (hot dogs, hamburgers, etc.) and some non-alcoholic beverages will be included in the price of $74 per person. A no-host bar will be available for those wishing to purchase alcoholic beverages.
Coming in March is a St. Patrick’s Day Corned Beef and Cabbage Dinner and Basket Raffle on March 15, and a St. Patrick’s Day Golf Cart Parade on March 17. More information will follow.
Anyone wishing to join the American Irish Club is welcome to come to a meeting on the first Thursday of the month in the ballroom. It is not necessary to be Irish to join. All are welcome. The only requirement is to be willing to have a fun time with a great group of people. Annual dues are $40 per person.
Happy New Year!