Ann Diamond (left) and Joyce Ellenbecker promote ticket sales to benefit AAUW SEV Branch’s 2022-23 scholarship fund. (Photo by Beth Zdeblick)
Mary Kenny, AAUW Member/Volunteer
The AAUW (American Association of University Women) Southeast Valley Branch will welcome back members and friends with an afternoon social on Oct. 16. Members are encouraged to invite their friends and neighbors who may be interested in joining the organization.
The Southeast Valley Branch’s 2023-24 activities will continue to further its mission by supporting STEM programs for area girls, as well as sponsoring various events and programs to help women whose situations range from returning to college to needing personal hygiene supplies while homeless.
Due to its successful fundraising efforts last year, the branch awarded eight $1,000 scholarships to deserving and impressive women to help fund their 2023-24 studies at Chandler-Gilbert Community College. The recipients are a very diverse group, and all eight are pursuing STEM-related degrees/certificates.
Annual events of the branch include a scholarship raffle, the holiday fundraising luncheon, the Happy Hour Fashion Show, and participation in AAUW’s statewide annual Legislative Day at the State Capitol. Most of these events raise necessary funds that allow the branch to fulfill its mission.
In addition, there are several interest groups within the branch that meet outside of monthly meetings. These groups provide an additional opportunity for members to build friendships while expanding their horizons. A sample of these includes the Great Decisions program with its focus on foreign affairs, book clubs, a bridge group, a hands-on art group, and lunch and dinner groups.
Serving Chandler, Gilbert, and Sun Lakes, AAUW Southeast Valley Branch members meet monthly from October through April at Sun Lakes United Methodist Church on Riggs Road.
AAUW is a diverse group that encourages participation by those who wish to advance equity for women and girls through advocacy, philanthropy, and research. It supports education and legislation impacting girls and women.
The Southeast Valley Branch of AAUW was chartered in 1989. AAUW is a national organization open to all graduates holding an associate or equivalent, baccalaureate, or higher degree from a qualified educational institution. There are more than 170,000 members across 1,000 local branches.
Are you looking for a way to make a difference, meet other accomplished and interesting women, and have fun together? Join us and be a part of change in the making! For more information, email us at [email protected].