Norm Ott
The SunBird Golf Club and its superintendent Marc Francoeur are announcing the continuation of the Volunteer Adopt a Hole Program for the coming season. This program consists of volunteers adopting one of the holes on the golf course and spending a little time each week filling divot holes on the tee boxes and fairways, cleaning up the tee boxes and repairing ball marks on the greens. The amount of time that is spent is entirely up to the volunteer. It is desired to have several people volunteer on each hole who then work as a team. This minimizes the amount of time that any one person needs to spend each week, while still resulting in getting good coverage on the hole. This program provides a cost savings for the golf course. Having volunteers do the tasks listed above allows the personnel of the turf department to do other larger routine maintenance work and improvement projects.
Volunteers do not necessarily need to be golfers. If you are not a golfer but live on one of the course holes and enjoy the beauty of the course, you may also want to consider becoming a volunteer. The tasks are easy; however, training is available as needed. To volunteer or for questions regarding the program, please contact the coordinator, Norm Ott, at 989-859-5318.