It’s hard to believe that SunBird is nearing 30 years in age; 2016 was another successful year with many improvement and maintenance projects. We have been focusing on updating and keeping our many amenities, facilities and services current and updated.
The 2017 budget has been approved. The budget process started this past April with SunBird’s department heads meeting with the management and the Board of Directors to review services and plans. After listening to the thoughts and ideas and reviewing history, management developed the first draft budget in August. The Finance Committee reviewed the first draft and made some changes of recommendation to the Board for approval. The Board of Directors reviewed and studied the budget during the September and October meetings approving it at the October business meeting. The annual assessment will be increasing by 4.5 percent or from $880 to $920 payable in two increments of $460 due January 1 and $460 July 1. From the $40 increase, approximately $10 goes to the newly established contingency fund, nearly $10 for maintenance, utilities and chemicals for the newly enlarged Clubhouse swimming pool, and approximately $20 for the food and beverage operation to survive the summer months when a large majority of SunBird residents leave. The Reserve Savings Account is funded by two primary sources: 1) $100 from each home’s annual assessment; and 2) $800 from each home sale that has a projected funding in 2017 of a total of $251,000. The Reserve Savings Account is for the maintenance and replacement of large existing assets such as roads, building air conditioners, equipment, recreational facilities, etc. The Capital Improvement Fund and Special Projects Fund saving accounts are for new and future improvement projects that are typically not already existing or are greatly upgraded. Both of these accounts together are projected to be funded from new home sales in 2017 in the amount of $132,000.
Keeping SunBird’s many amenities, facilities and services current and updated for now and for the future is imperative to our continued success.
The 2017 first half assessment billing is due January 1 and delinquent January 15. If you have not received your billing invoice statement by mid-December, please contact the SunBird office.