Norm Ott
The SunBird Golf Club Adopt a Hole program has been in effect for several years. This is a volunteer program where individuals adopt a hole and donate a little bit of their time each week filling divot holes on the fairways and tee boxes and repairing ball marks on the greens. Last spring, there were about 35 individuals or couples who participated in the program. For the most part there were several volunteers on each hole which allowed for the work to be spread out during the week. A desired goal for the program is to get one half hour of volunteer time each day on each hole. This would amount to nine hours of time each day or the equivalent of one full time employee – therefore a savings to the golf club.
To achieve the above goal while reducing the time each person has to spend each week, more volunteers are desired and welcome. Volunteers do not necessarily need to be golfers. If you are not a golfer but live on one of the holes and enjoy the beauty of the course, you may also want to consider becoming a volunteer. To volunteer or for questions, please contact the program Coordinator Norm Ott at 989-859-5318.
This program is welcomed by the SunBird Golf Course management team, especially our new superintendent, Marc Francoeur. We look forward to Marc’s involvement in facilitating the program through training the volunteers, giving direction as to needed emphasis and his overall support.