Dale Stokke can’t believe that he is on the Naughty List again this year! With elf Marcie Hogan, Diane Stokke, and Santa (Steve Cockrell).

Shootout winners Joyce Gerber, Dee Lee and Jackie Huyghebaert
Tammy Bachofner
Seems like I am so behind schedule with these photos, but as promised – we can now go to the website and get up to date information anytime! Check it out at www.sunbirdgolf then click on News and scroll down to lady golf association. You will find up to date newsletter articles and all weekly game results.
I do not have all the games and stats on who won; but again, start looking online for that information. That being said, it has been reported that while some of you had good days, others did not have the best game ever. However, you are all having fun and that’s what matters most.
As I have mentioned before, I turn in this article a month before it goes to print so I am covering December for print in February. I do it this way because I know you don’t want to put Christmas behind you just yet! Okay, really it’s due to the deadline structure, but I’m sure you all want to re-live Christmas other than through the credit card bill reminders. Ha ha! We had our first shootout for the season in December, as well as the golf Christmas party! A special thank you to Carolyn Tomlinson, our photographer. I have results for the shootout and a couple of photos to share from both events!
The winner of our first shootout was Joyce Gerber after a chip-off on the 9th hole; 2nd Dee Lee; and 3rd Jackie Huyghebaert.
The golf Christmas party was a huge hit but I hear rumors that not everyone made the nice list!
I have also heard that the lunch meetings have been going well also. Thank you so much for everyone’s help in putting these luncheons together. Everyone from the ladies who plan the menu and decorate the tables to Julie’s team who prepare and serve, to our golf Board and, of course, to each of you for attending! If I have my records correct, February’s lunch team consists of Jackie Germann, Connie Lundeen and Becky Sergeant and coming up for March will be Jan Torkelson, Joan Leeper and Nancy Ott.
Other fun and upcoming events:
February 2 – Monthly lunch meeting: Pink Lady celebration – Cancer Survivor Day
February 9 – First week of the Solheim Cup Back Nine
February 16 – Second week of the Solheim Cup T’s and F’s
February 23 – Home and Home
Until next month – Hit ‘em long and straight, but most of all have fun!