Dr. Geri Hall
“Senior Moment or Something Else: When to Seek Help for Memory Slips” is the title of Dr. Hall’s address. Dr. Hall, PhD, ARNP, GCNS, FAAN and Clinical Nurse Specialist, is an internationally recognized expert in the recognition and care of people with dementing illnesses. Currently employed by the Banner Alzheimer’s Institute, Geri developed, published, and researched the first theoretical model for managing and preventing behavior problems in dementia. She has spoken extensively on her areas of expertise in many places, including Australia, South Korea and Ireland. She has more than 100 publications on the topic and has served on many panels and boards at regional and national levels. She will tell us of new, exciting programs for enhancing the quality of life for people with dementia and their families. She will also share news about a new medication that is awaiting FDA approval. This medication has shown to slow the disease progress in people with early Alzheimer’s and could be approved as early as 2016.
The coffee will be held at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, February 10 in the Navajo Room of Sun Lakes Country Club. The cost is $2 and no reservations are required.
P.E.O. is a philanthropic organization of women supporting women’s education. This support is given through scholarships, grants, loans and stewardship of Cottey College to motivate women to achieve their highest aspirations.
P.E.O. members, guests, visiting P.E.O.’s and others interested in this topic are invited to attend. Our hostesses, P.E.O. Groups B and C, will provide coffee, fruit and pastries during the meet and greet time.
For more information, call Linda Reber at 480-895-8825.