Jean Pritchard
The Sunbird Lady 18ers has a full schedule for the next 3 months. The 18ers and the 9ers are going to be teeing off together on Tuesday mornings, at 9:00 a.m. (barring any frost delays). This has worked great for both groups for the past several weeks and hopefully will continue. One of the big secrets is to play “ready golf.”
The January meeting and brunch were held on January 6 in the Horizon Room. Four of the candidates for the Golf Board were introduced and gave short speeches. The other four will be introduced at our February meeting.
The February meeting will be on February 3, with the theme “Pink Lady” and will be celebrating our cancer survivors. Brunch will be served with the meeting.
Ladies shot out will be on January 30, at 2:00 p.m. No qualifying for the event, just sign up. We are hoping to have many ladies competing.
The Home and Home will be February 24 and 26 with Sunland Village East. More on this event to follow.
January 6 winners of the 321: best net low gross Cindy Vig with a 72 and low net were Bar Wallace and Jo Mottet both with 57.