
The annual SunBird Community Auction held on Jan. 24 was another huge success. Once again, our auctioneer extraordinaire Mike Goldade fired up the enthusiasm of the crowd, and the bids were generous.

Collette Ellis-Toddington canvassed local businesses and residents for donations of gift baskets, homemade doggie treats, car washes, restaurant and golf packages, and much more to create an exciting silent auction.

The highlight of the day was the sales of confections from local kitchens, each brilliantly introduced by the team of Karen Hall and Mary Stohr. Bids began at $200 and topped out at $400 for Jackie Huyghebaert’s famous, “Death by Chocolate.” Parties were for sale also. Two “Martini Experience” events by renowned local partiers brought in over $900.

Local caddies told tales and offered a package of food, tips, and course management strategies, in addition to packing golf bags for their players. It seems $400 was not too much to pay for a caddy experience.

Two golf carts, sponsored by A-1 Golf Carts, were happily secured by residents for a profit of $2,000.

Thanks to all the donors and all the buyers. Thank you also to the many volunteers, especially to those who have served multiple years to make this event so successful. This auction raised an amazing $11,800.

The monies are earmarked for Capital Improvements, which will be used to maintain the lakes, fountains, and lush fairways that make SunBird Golf Course the “Jewel of the Valley.”