Sun Lakes Community Theatre’s Children’s Theatre Shines Brightly

Twenty-eight elementary school teachers will welcome many dedicated volunteers from Sun Lakes Community Theatre (SLCT) to entertain their students with Horton Hears a Who performances this winter and spring. Kindergarten and 1st graders are held rapt by the costumed characters and always react with joy when Horton wins the day by protecting the citizens of Who from the judgmental kangaroos. The performances are followed up with a learning guide created to connect the students with math, art, and vocabulary lessons that recall the play they just saw. It’s a Unified District-approved curriculum that aids teachers in their instruction.

Sandra Bocynesky is directing the play this year. Roger Edmonds adapted the script from the original Dr. Suess story. All the actors, sound techs, and crew members are SLCT members who donate their time for both rehearsals and the three-day-a-week performances. Teachers and students alike are thrilled that SLCT brings live theater to the schools each year for free. For more information on SLCT, visit