Dave Edington, HOA Board Secretary
The SunBird Golf Resort Homeowners Association Board of Directors had a regular business meeting and an organizational meeting in December. The following are notes from those meetings. The next regular business meeting is scheduled for Monday, Feb. 24, at 10 a.m. in the ballroom. The annual membership meeting is scheduled for Monday, March 3, at 7 p.m. in the ballroom.
Monday, Dec. 16, 2024, at 10 a.m. in the ballroom
Board members present: Dan Buescher, Dirk Close, Nancy Eckstein, Dave Edington, Chuck Heitbrink, Bob Lama, Bob Morris, and Manager Layne Varney
Minutes of Nov. 15, 2024, regular business meeting and executive meeting were accepted.
Treasurer’s Report—Chuck Heitbrink: Renewed $1 million of our current funds into several CDs that will mature in another year. We did some extensive comparisons and renewed our insurance policies last month. We had to secure an additional $5 million in coverage from another company for our umbrella policy to bring it to the previous $10 million. Our current company would only cover us by $5 million due to our current lawsuits. Our annual audit is scheduled to start in January.
The Manager’s Report was given by Layne Varney. Billing invoices for 2025 were just mailed and are due Jan. 1. The smoking policy has been implemented, and compliance seems to be going well. A couple of pieces of fitness equipment need reupholstering and are scheduled to be done. The lapidary kiln was replaced. All the streets have been swept, and slurry sealed areas swept twice. Twenty-six street signs have been replaced, with more scheduled in the future. A large pine tree was removed behind the post office. Many activities are scheduled for the upcoming busy season.
Committee Liaison Reports:
ACC Committee: No meeting in December.
Finance Committee: The committee met this month to discuss the various insurance policies to secure additional coverage to our umbrella policy to ensure coverage up to $10 million.
Golf Club/HOA Committee: The golf course requested funds for a new mower with the understanding that no funds will be taken out of the Community/Golf Course Fund at this time.
Rules Committee: Discussed two new members and a chairman to be voted on at the next meeting.
Project Review Committee: The railings at the clubhouse have been measured for installation, and there is a motion later in the meeting. Welcoming and Marketing Committee: No report. The next meeting is Dec. 19. The Welcoming and Marketing Committee recommended approval for new members Sonia Sjurseth and Carol Delk. Motion made by Bob Lama. Motion passed 7-0.
The Project Review and Planning Committee recommended new blinds for the Lakeview Room. Motion made by Dan Buescher. Motion passed 7-0.
Nancy gave an update on the Klatt lawsuit. We have until Jan. 6, 2025, to reply to Defendant’s Cross-Motion for Summary Judgment.
Layne Varney reviewed the Homeowner Comment Sheet.
Comments were made by homeowners and directors.
The board gave thanks to Dirk Close and Dan Buescher for their great service to the board.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:32 a.m.
At 10:42 a.m. the board was called to order for the organizational meeting by President Nancy Eckstein.
Congratulations to Marianna Buescher and Brendan Waddle for their election to the HOA board of directors.
The board voted to elect the following officers: President: Nancy Eckstein, Vice President: Bob Lama, Treasurer: Chuck Heitbrink, Secretary: Dave Edington.
Nancy distributed the 2025 HOA board of directors meeting schedule and made the following liaison appointments: ACC: Brendan Waddell, Finance: Chuck Heitbrink, Welcoming and Marketing: Bob Lama, Planning and Project Review: Marianna Buescher, Rules Compliance: Bob Morris, HOA/Golf Club: Nancy Eckstein, Bob Morris, and Marianna Buescher.
Chuck read the Board of Directors Pledge, and it was signed by all the board members.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:56 a.m.