Manager’s Report

It’s been an extremely hot summer, reaching 100 degrees or more for over 100 days straight, breaking temperature records. Everyone and every living thing in Arizona is feeling the effects of the long, hot, drawn-out summer. The impact of the heat can be seen just about everywhere outside. Summer improvement and maintenance projects continue to be completed and have been checked off the list or are in progress. Come check out the Billiards Room at the clubhouse and the newly updated SunBird Post Office.

This summer, SunBird Patrol has been extra vigilant in monitoring the community for unauthorized persons or suspicious activity. The good news is that we are not aware of any break-ins or theft within SunBird this year. It has been observed that some vehicle entry codes have been used by various contractors or service providers entering into SunBird. When these unauthorized uses of the keypad codes are discovered, the SunBird homeowner assigned to this code is contacted. Most times, they are not aware that their code is being used for entrance into SunBird. When these codes are shared with contractors or service providers, there is a risk that it may also be shared with others. Once misuse has been verified, the keypad code used is deactivated and a new code assigned to the homeowner. The gatehouse at Riggs Road and Championship Drive is staffed every day from 6 a.m. until 8 p.m. year round. The better option is to have contractors and services providers check in at the gatehouse rather than providing an entrance code. If anyone feels they may have shared their keypad code to a contractor or service provider or whomever and would like to have it changed, please stop by the SunBird office to update your code at no charge. Let’s keep working together with our efforts to deter crime.

Road work is underway within SunBird. All the roads have had or will have crack sealing and either a seal coat or slurry seal resurfacing curb to curb. This year, road maintenance is planned for most of the asphalt streets in SunBird. Most roads will have a seal coating surface applied that includes adding polymers and other additives of adhesion and flexibility back into the asphalt, which dissipates naturally due to age and weather. Other sections of roads will have a slurry seal applied consisting of approximately 1/4-inch thickness coating of asphalt emulsion, small aggregate minerals, and other additives. The slurry seal application work will have small aggregate pieces of black like sand that will have a minimal amount become loose and collect in the curb lines for up to six months after the work is complete. This is normal and anticipated. Notice of the schedule of road work has been posted on the SunBird website, sent by eblast to the community, and posted at the clubhouse. This work is anticipated to be complete by mid-October. Road work may cause some inconvenience, delays, and detours. If roads are being worked on and/or are closed, please do not move the barricades or cones and drive across the newly paved roads. When the new asphalt surface is ready for traffic, the barricades will be removed by the contractor. If a scheduled road work day is or was canceled for any reason due to weather or whatever, that day will be rescheduled at the end of the project. Please look for SunBird emails and updates for any changes. We appreciate your patience during this time of road work.

It’s hard to believe that summer is nearing an end, according to the calendar, bringing the hope of cooler weather. With more tolerable temperatures, we can expect residents to start returning back to SunBird. Welcome back to our residents who are beginning to return to SunBird! When arriving, please stop by the office to check in and for a warm “Welcome Home.” Thank you to our brave residents who endured the summer heat and all of the road construction within SunBird. This upcoming season, many fun activities and large events have been planned for the community. We look forward to having SunBird back to full capacity with all of our friends and neighbors. There’s no place like home!