Golf Report

Dave White

Welcome to October. Good news: As I am writing this report, the cell tower construction has started, and, hopefully, by the time you read this, it should be completed (I was promised).

We have been working on our bare spots in the fairways (4, 6, and 7) by aerating and cleaning out the plug holes and have added sand, Bermuda seed, and fertilizer. By getting all of the plugs picked up instead of mowing them back in, we are not putting clay back in the holes.

All our lakes have improved since we added 48,000 fish. We also have been dragging the lake on 18, and it looks a lot better.

On Oct. 7 we will be starting the overseed process. We have received the rye seed. The course will be closed Oct. 7 through Oct. 28, and this is dependent on the weather. When we open, it will be cart-path-only until Nov. 17, and this includes all with a handicap flag.

All in all, I have a really good feeling about the condition of the golf course and our financial outlook.

I want to give a big shout-out to our turf crew and all of the volunteers who have worked in the heat. As of now, we have had 101 straight days of 100-degree temperatures.

We’re looking forward to seeing all who went north.