SunBird Community Church news


Bob Neuman

“Could you use some courage? Are you backing down more than you are standing up? Jesus scattered the butterfly out of the stomachs of the nervous disciples….

“We need to remember that the disciples were common men given a compelling talk. Before they were the stained-glassed saints in the windows of cathedrals, they were somebody’s next door neighbors trying to make a living and raise a family. They weren’t cut from theological cloth or raised on supernatural milk, but they were an ounce more devoted than they were afraid and, as a result, did some extraordinary things.

“Earthly fears are no fears at all. Answer the big question of eternity, and the little questions of life fall into perspective.” Max Lucado

How great is your goodness you have stored up for those who fear you, that you have given to those who trust you. You do this for all to see. You protect them by your presence from what people plan against them. You shelter them from evil words. Psalm 34:19-20

God has given us rest when we need it as he has relief from the torrid summer. With the beginning of September, we will begin to see cooler temperatures as our northern friends arrive once more. We will welcome them back and enjoy their presence.

Prayer chain contact: Julie Hartog 480-895-2620, [email protected]; Jami Morgan 480-902-7358, [email protected].

SunBird Community Church is nondenominational and based on the Bible. Our members invite you to visit us any Sunday at 9:00 a.m. in the SunBird Ballroom. There you will meet our friendly congregation and hear an uplifting message by an experienced minister. Should we save a place? God has missed  your presence.