Footnotes from the library


Marilyn Klooster

Taxes are done, spring cleaning completed, vacations planned.

How can you call it “getting away from it all” with so much preparation before returning “home” for the summer? Or maybe you’re leaving SunBird for a vacation to the mountains or seashore.

While you pack and before you close and leave your SunBird home, please check for items you may have borrowed from the SunBird Library (books, puzzles, CDs, DVDs, etc.). Please return them before you leave. These items should be readily available to residents who remain in SunBird all year.

Do not take books with you for the summer. Do not borrow books to read while flying from here to there or when on cruises or tours. Many library items borrowed are never returned when they go on vacation.

Do not let our library become a source for “rare books”: Borrowed but rarely returned.

Those of us remaining in SunBird will try to keep cool (no books by the pool, please). We’ll enjoy some lazy and sometimes hazy days in the library. We may curl up with a travel brochure or two or enjoy great stories from our shelves. We may dream of faraway places.

SunBirders, before you take wing and leave our nest this summer, do not forget to include the book cover (dust jacket) with the hardbound books. And while you’re packing, take a minute to include the discs in their cases. An empty case is so sad.

The library staff of volunteers extends our very best wishes for safe travel and healthy, happy days. And should you find special joy in a read or puzzle, we would love to add and share it in your SunBird Library.