When Life Is Turbulent

Dr. Marc Drake, Senior Pastor, First Baptist Church Sun Lakes

Have you ever experienced severe turbulence while flying? It can be a jarring and unnerving experience to say the least. Furthermore, life itself can be quite turbulent at times (as we have clearly seen in recent months). What do we do in such times? Our own knowledge and wisdom seem very inadequate when so many things in this rapidly-changing world are spiraling out of control. Eventually, it becomes clear that academic, material, and technological advances do not automatically result in wisdom. Someone has quipped, “It may be a smartphone, but it is not a wise phone.”

The good news, however, is that wisdom is available—not the fading wisdom of this world, but the true wisdom of God. It is a wisdom that, as Proverbs 3:15 declares, is “more precious than jewels, and nothing you desire can compare with her.” Though this wisdom can propel us forward on the most turbulent of days, it is a wisdom that is at odds with much of the ideology of today’s culture. And this is because biblical positions on morality and the sacredness of human life (born and unborn) are simply dismissed as antiquated concepts. Furthermore, standing firm on such positions can be vastly unpopular and quite costly. But some things are worth the cost!

Life’s turbulence is not calmed by superficial solutions. It is not calmed by the latest philosophy or ideology being peddled in our day. It is not calmed by accepting politically-correct positions so we can be on the “right side of history.” No, life’s turbulence is calmed by acknowledging the fact that God is in charge of history. Thus, it is a marvelous privilege to recognize and humbly bow before our majestic God—the One who is infinitely wise, all-powerful, and has promised to protect and provide for his children and to give wisdom when they ask for it (James 1:5).

Yes, these are unprecedented times (at least for our generation). However, I have been rethinking the word “uncertain.” Although I feel sure I’ve used it to describe these days, I’ve come to believe that it is the wrong word. Yes, these are uncertain times for the world, but not for believers; our lives are in the hands of our Creator and Redeemer, no matter what happens in this world. We have a God-given certainty and security in Jesus Christ (Colossians 3:1-4).

Thus, those who know him as Lord and Savior rejoice to call to mind who they are in Christ and what God has promised in Romans 8:37, “In all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.”