SunBird Lions and Basha LEOs install new officers

Newest SunBird Lions Melvin Jones Fellows, Lion Bill Reid and Lion Gail Holland flanked by PDG Fred Garmeson (left) and President Lion Ray Clark (right).

Newest SunBird Lions Melvin Jones Fellows, Lion Bill Reid and Lion Gail Holland flanked by PDG Fred Garmeson (left) and President Lion Ray Clark (right).

Fred Garmeson

At its annual installation dinner the SunBird Lions installed their new officers and the new officers of the Basha High School LEO Club. The 2013-2014 LEO President received her 100 percent President’s award and a number of LEOs received Certificates of Appreciation for assisting the Lions during their food drives. Eight Lions received “Women in Lionism” pins donated by the MD 25 Kansas Lions.

Lions Bill Reid and Gail Holland received the Melvin Jones Fellowship. The Melvin Jones Fellowship is the highest honor a Lions club can give to recognize one’s service to the club and the community.