SunBird COVID-19 Limitations and Restrictions

Layne Varney, General Manager

Using SunBird Facilities Is AT YOUR OWN RISK

If sick, stay home.

If you have been exposed to someone who has COVID-19 or who is ill, or has had a fever, stay home.

If you are of a high-risk population, immune system compromised, or are uncomfortable, stay home.

Wear a protective face mask in the clubhouse, laundry building, post office, and when social distancing is not possible.

Social distance from others by at least six feet.

If you have to cough or sneeze, please do so away from others into a tissue and throw it away immediately.

Wash hands with soap and water for 20 seconds and/or sanitize before and as you enter the clubhouse.

Wash and sanitize hands often.

Follow social occupancy limits posted above each room in the clubhouse.

Sanitize tables, surfaces, and door handles before using rooms.

Do not move tables or chairs, as they have been placed in proper positioning for social distancing.

When finished using the facilities, sanitize tables, surfaces, and door handles.

When returning home, wash hands with soap and water for 20 seconds.

These are some of the general rules and do not cover all restrictions, as some facilities have further restrictions posted in the clubhouse for following.