SunBird Community Church lists ministers for January

Bob Neuman

Soon we will turn another page of life and meet another new year. It may bring sadness for some and happiness for others, but for all, an opportunity to examine our lives and see how we may serve the Lord better as we meet the unknown.

Joyce Meyer says it this way, “God created us to need new beginnings – places where we can release our faith and say ‘This is the place of new beginnings for me, a place to have a fresh start.’” The dawn of a new year is always a good time for a fresh start.

Ministers for January

January 3 – Arnold Downey

January 10 – Hank Miller

January 17 – Ryan Stephens

January 21 – Jim Baugh

January 31 – David Walker

Thanks to all participants who made our Christmas Eve service a success.

Hank Miller is leading a Bible study in the Hopi Room each Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. All are welcome.

The SunBird Community Church is made up of believers gathered together to worship our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ through preaching, teaching, music, fellowship and service. We invite you to visit us any Sunday at 9:00 a.m. in the SunBird Ballroom. There you will meet friendly folks and be treated to an excellent non-denominational service. We will be overjoyed to have you attend and so will your Lord.