Korean War/Korea Service Veterans news

Stacy Sweet

The R Countryman Chapter of the Korean War/Korea Service Veterans will meet on Tuesday, September 26, in the Friendship Room of the Sun Lakes Country Club at 10:00 a.m. KWVA is proud to welcome Jessica Sorensen of Spooner Therapy in Sun Lakes. Jessica has been a therapist for almost 16 years and opened Spooner Therapy in August, 2014. Spooner Therapy’s founding principle is “Health in Motion,” and they believe they have a responsibility to keep their communities healthy and active. Their treatment plans promote total body movement, enhancing each person’s ability to reach their potential in movement and function. Spooner Therapy offers numerous programs and specialty services that are designed to meet the needs of individuals at every stage of life and every activity level to enhance the body’s “Health in Motion!” Please come join us and learn about one of their many services: How to decrease your fall risk with dizziness and balance retraining!

ALL VETERANS and their guests are welcome. You can learn more about us on our website at www.kwvacc.org or contact Leon Johnson, Commander, at 970-481-3005.

And remember, “Freedom is NOT free.”