Footnotes from the Library

Lois Anderson

With plenty of time on our hands, let’s go back to those “olden days” when we did a lot of reading instead of watching TV or our smartphone. SunBird’s Library is full of interesting material. We have two banks of shelves of Large Print books. They are in alphabetical order by author, so you will find Romance mixed with Mysteries, but overall, we have a fine collection to browse. There are shelves filled with World War II memories and Westerns galore if you turn to the left and head for the last row of bookcases. For Romance novels or a quick read, try the low shelves on the south wall. Many of these have a common theme and can leave little to the imagination, but some do have a plot. Several of our current best-selling authors got their start writing those bedroom scenes.

Books are taken off our shelves with no record of when they left or who took them. As a result, we can’t tell you if or when that item will return. Please keep this in mind when you take a book or a few. Others may be reading that series or author also, and they may be waiting for that next volume, just as you had to wait to read it.

Puzzlers are encouraged to take a puzzle or two home to work on your kitchen or dining room table. A hint from our dedicated puzzlers suggests to use a piece of cardboard to cover the puzzle when it is dinnertime. It keeps the puzzle intact and allows an even surface for dining.

For those who love to read, February means there are only 28 days to read all those books you have piled up in a corner. Please check that your donations to the annual rummage sale do not include our library books. We value any and all donations and thank all our generous donors. If you wish to become part of the Library team, just give Nancy Smith a call at 480-802-7144. We welcome any person to help keep our library one of the best.