Board notes – June 2014

The notes of the regular board business meeting of April 28, 2014 are as follows:

All the Board members and General Manager L. Varney were present. The meeting was called to order by President G. Lee at 6:04 p.m. The minutes of the regular and executive business meetings of March 31, 2014 and the Planning/Workshop of April 14, 2014 were read.

The treasurer’s report was given by Treasurer Dee Brown- Knoeppel and was accepted as reported.

The manager’s report was given by L. Varney:

Administration: The Gila River Indian Community (GRIC) has leased the land south of SunBird to be farmed by an outside company. They are planting alfalfa and over the past several weeks crop dusting the fields. The office has received many complaints about the noise and the effects of chemicals from the pesticides used. We have contacted the GRIC Department of Environmental Quality which is regulated by the Arizona Department of Agriculture.

Collection Status Report: During the month of March, $399 was collected from past due accounts from last year and beyond; $3,451.02 was collected from past due accounts from the 2014 first half assessment. SunBird had 11 home sales in the month of March for a total of 26 for the first quarter. April home sales activity has also increased.

Clubhouse and facilities: The air conditioner operating in the Navajo and Hopi Rooms began malfunctioning. It was discovered that it could be repaired for $4,000 with no guarantee. The unit is 26 years of age and it was decided it was money well spent to have it replaced for just less than $13,000. A plumber will begin inspecting the water and drainage pipes throughout the clubhouse that are accessible for any potential concerns or areas needing replacement to minimize any future problems. Surveillance cameras have been received and will be installed as discussed in areas of the clubhouse this next month.

Common Area: The first of the year common area landscape plant and bush trimming cycle has begun. The major tree trimming, thinning and access pruning will be contracted out and begin sometime in May. The common area palm trees will be trimmed June/July. Winter grass is dying and the transition of the summer Bermuda grass will begin growing as temperatures continue to rise.

Orbitel Communications has begun the construction project to upgrade service to the SunBird area. The project consists of installing a direct fiber optic cable to the distribution point at the clubhouse replacing the tower for more consistent and quicker service. The route for this new cable is from the clubhouse east to Cooper Road, then north to Riggs Road and west to Orbitel headquarters on Dobson road.

Committee Liaison Reports:

ACC Committee: L. Buries: A quorum was not present.

Marketing Committee: J. Pritchard: The committee did not meet this month.

Projects Review Committee: M. Scartozzi: It was decided that more parking was needed in front of the clubhouse. The blue trash cans on Oakmont were discussed. The committee would like to know if there is an interest in Bocce Ball. The committee discussed the enlargement of the clubhouse pool and how to fund it.

Going Green Committee: B. Perkins: The next meeting will be in October 2014.

Rule Committee: C. Warren: The recommendations from the committee will be brought to the board later in tonight’s agenda.

Finance Committee: D. Brown-Knoeppel: The committee reviewed collections and made calls to those who are delinquent at this time.

Committee for improving the Horizon Room: The committee polled some customers in the Horizon Room regarding serving appetizers on a trial basis.

Finance Committee request: W. Mills presented a proposal for an increase of the capital improvement fee. More information and review was requested.

Project Review and Long Range Planning Committee: Presented two possible projects. Expand the golf cart parking driveway at the front of the clubhouse with the expense to be shared 50/50 with the golf course; the motion was made and passed. Board approval to move forward on studying the idea of expanding the clubhouse pool with additional information and bids; a motion was made to go ahead with working on the concepts for an enhanced pool.

Rules Compliance Committee recommendations: Recommended that a solar-powered speed radar monitor be purchased for $6,000; the motion was made but died due to the lack of a second.

Clubhouse use report: Reports were made of the various SunBird groups that use the clubhouse; a motion was made to charge 20 percent more which died from lack of a second.

Evaluate communications with homeowners: It was felt that a study of communications in SunBird was needed. President G. Lee appointed three board members for the committee: B. Perkins, D. Brown-Knoeppel and M. Scartozzi. The meetings will begin in June.

SunBird Garden Club request: The Garden Club requested that they be allowed to send a request for donations with the HOA’s 2015 billing of dues; the motion was made, voted on and passed.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:48 p.m. These notes presented by B. Perkins HOA Secretary.