Be prepared for power outages this summer


Bonnie, Community Administrator

Summer marks the arrival of monsoon season and an extra strain on the energy grid. While outages may not occur often, SRP wants you to be prepared for the rare times when they do. Stay safe and informed with these tips about what to do if your power goes out.

* Stay Calm. Refer to your preparedness plan, if you have one.

* Go Mobile. Even if you are without power, you can use your mobile device to access the SRP app, check online outage map and see what areas are affected by the power outage. You can also monitor SRP’S Facebook page or Twitter account for the latest outage updates. To download the app on your phone, visit the Apple App Store or Google Play and search using keyword SRP power.

* Outage alerts via text. With SRP eNotes, you can receive alerts about outages in your area. To sign up for this service, visit

* Report the outage. You can either log into your account to report online or call SRP at 602-236-8888.

* Appliances and electronics: Turn off all major appliances, including your computer, air conditioner, TV and other media equipment, and dishwasher. This will help protect your equipment from voltage fluctuations when power is restored.

* Garage doors. Automatic garage doors will not work when the power is out. Check the manufacturer’s instructions to learn how to operate the door manually.

For more tips, visit

When power outages have happened in the past, patrol receives an enormous number of telephone calls from concerned homeowners. Patrol is notified of outages from SRP by text message, and then they immediately need to go to the clubhouse to close it down and make sure everyone is safe. Please call SRP with any questions about the outage. If you have an emergency, call 911.