Made for the Eternal

Dr. Marc Drake

Dr. Marc Drake

Dr. Mark Drake, Pastor, First Baptist Church of Sun Lakes

The Bible tells us that God has “put eternity into man’s heart” (Ecclesiastes 3:11). This amazing truth is born out in so many ways as we observe the people around us. Look into their eyes. They are filled with longings, needs, and hopes. Of course, many will tell them they are simply molecules and DNA—nothing more than time plus chance. But there’s not much excitement in that thought! So, hearts cry out for eternal realities—just as we see indicated by Solomon in Ecclesiastes. This is why people search for something to fill the raging emptiness within. Now Satan offers endless possibilities in an effort to keep people from the one thing that will fulfill and satisfy, and do so permanently. Thus, people keep searching in all the wrong places, not realizing that the devil’s promise of satisfaction and happiness is always broken.

So, the question is voiced again and again: “What’s missing?” The answer is that we were made for a person—the Person that people from all nations and cultures long for, the Lord Jesus Christ. Furthermore, the human heart yearns not only for a person, but also for a place. In Revelation 3:12 Jesus promises that in the age to come He will put on us the name of the person for which we were made (God Himself) and the name of the place for which we were made (the city of God, which is heaven).

It’s true: We spend our lives longing for this person and this place. This is why many people move from relationship to relationship, seeking the person for whom they were made, but so often ending up in disillusionment. People also move from location to location, seeking the place for which they were made. They look for the bigger and the better, the new and the different. Perhaps a dream house in the country or that perfect cottage on the beach.

But people are made for the eternal; therefore, we cannot be ultimately satisfied with the temporal. C.S. Lewis said it well: “If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world.” Another world, indeed! Lewis is simply echoing Solomon who declared that eternity has been put into our hearts.

What could possibly be more important than focusing on the realities for which we were made?